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Animal Communication, energy balancing, healing.                                          View this email in your browser

Hi - here's what's in this week's Equine Energetics Insider:

  • Latest from my office
  • Edition 2 of my Horse Oracle Cards are selling now!
  • Owner insight
  • Feedback of the week
  • Animal Communication Tip of the Week
  • Useful links

From my office

As bookings have been coming in for my Xmas special (joint Tarot reading for you and your horse or pet), I realised that not everyone knows the difference between Animal Communication and Tarot.

With Animal Communication, I'm making an energetic connection with your animal and asking it very specific questions, eg about likes and dislikes, happiness, health etc.  You can pose whatever question you want and get your animal's perspective and feelings about it.

Tarot is more about life's lessons, spiritual insights and inner wisdom, and uses cards drawn from a Tarot deck. You can ask the same question, but the answer/s you get will very much depend on how you interpret the cards drawn for you.  With Tarot, usually 2 or more cards (a spread) are drawn relating to the question you asked.

So for instance, if your question is 'will he compete more successfully next year', or 'how do I get him to x', I'd probably use the spread 'Achieving a Goal'.  In this spread, the first card will be about what's blocking you / what you need to release, the 2nd is about what you need to strengthen.  Or, you could go for the spread 'Advice from the Universe' - 3 cards are drawn; what you need to know, a new perspective, and what action to take.

In the Xmas special 3 card draw, I'm drawing one card for you (what you need to know right now), a card for your horse (where your horse is at right now), and a joint card (your relationship going forward).  It should give some insights and clarity around where you're at and where you're going together ❤️

Hope that helps, let me know if you still have questions!

Horse Oracle Cards

I got this from one new recipient last week -

"I received my oracle cards! There is a huge amount of energy coming from them!"

They're specifically created to have strong clean energy, to help you connect in a different way with your horse, developing your intuition and the relationship you have with them.

If you want some clarity or guidance about what your horse is trying to tell you, they're cheaper than an Animal Communication session (lol) and you can use them every day!

Owner insight

I stumbled a bit when typing 'owner' here, lol.... Insert your description of preference!  Human?  Guardian?  Can't quite find the right word!!

Anyway - Cheryl recently asked me to check in with her horse.  She knew something was 'off' with him, and said,

"Could you ask Kip why he wouldn’t let me do Masterson on him."

I did a full Animal Communication & Healing (repeat) session with him, and the only real issue was that his energy was out of balance.  When I asked him Cheryl's question, there was no clear response, ie no specific reason why he hadn't 'wanted' the Masterson session.

Afterwards, Cheryl said,

"Thanks for that, always notice a big difference in him afterwards. (This time) I nearly got all of the bladder Meridian done but he went to sleep, he’s soo much more acceptant of it now, so it must be his imbalances that make him soo reactive."

Great insight!

I always tell people after a session to notice what's different about their horse, and then notice if that changes / reverts again - that's a big sign that their energy is out of balance again.  In this case, Cheryl now knows that if Kip doesn't seem ok with her Masterson session, to get in touch with me to help get him back on track and feeling better!

Feedback of the week

Loved hearing this from Morgan last week - I'd told her (with no prior knowledge of the horse) that the saddle wasn't a good fit, there was a neck issue at C7, that all 4 feet were out of balance internally and externally, and that his sacro iliac was out of balance.

She said,

"You really were so on point!!!  He just had a saddle fitter out who pointed out how ill fitting his saddle is now that his topline is changing, he also pointed out the neck issue. He has navicular changes in one of his hooves and his sacro iliac is compromised because of his hunters bum. You're amazing!"

Animal Communication tip

With Christmas almost upon us, many of you will be busier than usual, and maybe have lots of different people staying or visiting.

So, a simple tip / reminder - remember to spend some time with your animals!  Having all that going on (mostly for house pets) can be extremely disrupting for them.  Some ideas would be:

  • to verbally tell them what's going on and why,
  • make sure they have a safe / quiet place they can retreat to when things get hectic (or even that everyone knows that when they're in their bed, they should be left alone),
  • take a few minutes every day to go away on a walk with them,
  • make sure you give them a cuddle every day and you tell them you love them (and it will be over soon, lol).

Merry Christmas everyone, see you next year!!

Finally, the links you need...

  • Joint horse / pet and person Tarot reading is available til end Jan 24
  • Share your spiritual journey with like minded animal peeps by joining my Facebook group, Trisha Wren ~ Spiritual Stuff.
  • Start - or develop - your own Animal Communication skills here.
  • Book a free chat to discuss scheduling regular check-up sessions for your horse -
    or, to find out if you're ready to work with me 1-1.
  • See all currently available sessions here, and check how much that is in your currency here.

That's it for now

Til next time - hit reply if I can help you in any way, and, keep connecting with your animals x

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Sent with good vibes from Cambridge, New Zealand
Copyright © 2018 Trisha Wren Training, All rights reserved.

Trisha Wren, Equine Energetics, 815 Maungakawa Road, Cambridge, New Zealand 3496, United States

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